Hi BlueEyes,
Welcome!!! Many stressors can set often panic attacks, from after the birth or death of someone, or just out of the blue, that is what is so mystifying about this disorder. I believe in your case, it was triggered by the death of your Dad. So very sorry you lost your dad, it is hard to lose a parent. Also if you were very very close, it resembles anxiety seperation that also sets off panic attacks, its like you lost your best friend and confident. The grief, depression, all combined is all that is needed. Maybe yours will be short term with the panic attacks, for some of us they are rather persistant for years, they may go into a remissive episode for a few years, but resurface again under the right stressors. Mine did.
How many times a day are you having attacks? And for how long?
Usually you have to experience at least 3 episodes a week, with symptoms you described (there are more symptoms also) to be classifed as panic disorder. Take the anxiety test offered here, and show it to your doctor. It is possible that you are suffering some attacks without the full diagnosis of Panic disorder. They still are very scary, and just as frightening. Are your thoughts constantly about having a heart attack and dying now? That is another indication of having the disorder.
Panic disorder usually is hereditary, but in my case it skipped a generation. Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing. I hope you find some support groups for grief, and wide variety of friends to help you through this difficult time.
You are in my prayers,