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for 21 år siden 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't think it's a requirement for panic attacks to be regular for you to have a type of anxiety disorder. But I dunno, not a doctor. But ummm... the thoughts that are crazy and you can't control...I think that is caused by or is a symptom of OCD. I have also heard of things called anger attacks. They are said to have some of the same symptoms as panic attacks. I am telling you this because you said you had an attack after fighting with your girfriend. You also said you used to bang your head against the wall. I'm not sure if this could be related, it's just an idea for you to consider. I have a slight anger problem. I'm not sure if mine is all panic attacks and no anger attacks. I've never really asked my doctor about it. For a diagnoses(spelling)though, if the panic attacks are interfereing with your life, then you probably need to go back to seeing your doctor.
for 21 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
biao, I'm definately no expert, but I can at least tell you my experiences and maybe they will be somewhat helpful to you. I have genralized anxiety disorder which means I worry excessively about everything all of the time. This on occasion has lead me to have panic attacks, but I don't have them often. I feel on the verge of having them more then I actually have a full blown attack. Everyones symptoms are slightly different, so it is possible you are having them, your symptoms may just vary from others you have spoken with. I also have obessevive thoughts which means I will get something stuck in my head, like a fear of losing my mind and will think on it constantly and cannot stop thinking about it to the point of thinking I really am losing my mind. Also I have agorophobia which most people think means I won't leave my home, but this is not really the case, I just can't be around certain people or in stressful situations so I go out of my way to avoid these people and places therefore I fall into the category of agorophobia. I personally have never had mood swings or anger problems so I can't comment on that, but maybe someone else can give you some insight into that. You are doing the best thing by going to see a doctor, I find it helpful to keep a journal of all my feeling and thoughts and take it with me to my appointments because if I'm having a good day I tend to forget how I feel when I'm having a bad one so jotting down all of the psycho stuff when I'm experiencing it helps.
for 21 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone. I am feeling pretty lost, so hope there will be some input from you guys after reading my post. I do not know if I have Anxiety Disorder. For one, I am curious to know if Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder are two different problems, or are they the same? This is because I don't know if I ever had a Panic Attack, but I sure do show lots of Anxiety symptoms, the most significant being lots of stupid, silly and unimportant worries. Also, I have a problem with my temper and moods. I get irritable very easily. Maybe I should describe some of the incidents that I wonder if they are Panic Attacks. 1) One time few years back I was lying on my bed preparing to sleep. Suddenly, I felt as though something is pressing down on me. I couldn't move, felt short of breath, as though somebody is suffocating me. I felt like I was going to die anytime. I wanted to shout out for my family but couldn't. Nothing came out of my mouth. The whole thing lasted less than 10 mins. 2) I had numerous times when I had chest pains, lasting for less than 10 minutes each time. But for the past few months there had been no such incidents. It used to happen as often as twice or thrice a week. Once I went to see my doctor about this, but after some scans it seemed that there was nothing physically wrong with me other than a slightly higher than normal blood pressure. 3) A few weeks before I had an incident when I just quarreled with my girlfriend and was feeling very bad. I was on the subway with her and she was ignoring me. I felt very irritated and angry. For about 20 minutes I was breathing heavily, feeling very confused, just grabbing tightly onto the grabpole in the train, not able to think properly or control myself. I am so confused because I do not have regular Panic Attacks which is the case with my friends who have Anxiety Disorder. Also, I used to see a psychiatrist a few years back. That time, I had trouble sleeping, had depression and had funny actions like trying to hurt myself by banging my head against the wall, etc. However, this time, I feel depressed and very worrisome but there are no extermities like unable to sleep, hurting myself or other crazy stuff. So, please tell me what you think. What problem do I have? I will be going to th

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