Hi Blondie,
Yes it is very normal if you have been given a diagnosis of anxiety. Have you told your parents of your concerns and seen a doctor yet to check out everything and been assured its anxiety?
My own son is in the 8th grade, and he is more prone to feeling of passing out in class, he gets hot flashes and dizziness with his anxiety.
Starting new schools such as high school, switching classes in semesters, etc can cause more anxiety at first. It started back up again just after Christmas break with him, but he finally has adjusted and the anxiety has disappeared. He puts to much on himself as far as grades, this of his own doing, of course doing your best is all we ask, but he tries sometimes to overachieve and take on too much himself. He did this back around 4th grade, and the school had him in both in 4th and 5th grades and the same time, two report cards, no time for play or friends, and loads of homework. His anxiety had a different way of expressing itself then, he didnt get the dizzy spells as he does now, but he unconsciencely chewed on his sleeve of his shirts and collars. The school wouldn't keep him in one grade, therefore, we as his parents decided along with our doctor that this was unhealthy for him, and took him out of public school and I homeschooled him. One year later we decided to give it a try back into middle school, as the elementary school was not listening to our concerns. He tested at 7th grade level, but we decided to only skip one grade to 6th for maturity reasons. He pretty much has done ok with this, as in middle school, they dont combine 6th, 7th and 8th graders here. He doesnt let his friends know he has skipped grades either, kinda labels you a nerd of sorts, I guess he will be found out later in High School, when he is a Senior and wont turn 16 till his senior year, and many of his friends will have already been driving, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Good Luck hun,