my eyeball is twitching.its twitching again...why wont it stop! its been doing this for the last two days non-stop, i think im going to punch myself in the face...yea
I learned from my high school biology teacher that eye twitching and bouncing your knee up and down while sitting is one of a few ways that your body tries to get rid of built up stress. I notice that my eyelid will twitch when I am feeling really worried about something but not knowing what it is. It's when I have a feeling something isn't right and I am trying to figure it out, and then voila...the eye twitch comes along, lasts a day or 2 and then goes away again....
I think I remember my eye balls twitching when I was having a severe panic attack once. Appart from this my eye lids twitch a lot, during anxiety. My vision gets blurred and I see patterns of lines when I'm having a panic attack too. Appart from this I do get eye lid twitches sometimes from reading or writing for long periods. I don't recall my eye balls themselves twitching although it feels that way sometimes. The only thing I could suggest for eye ball twitching is possibly fatigue and/or your neck could be out.
I do get extreme eyeLID twitching that affects my vision as if the eyeBALLS themselves are messed up, this happens when reading, on computer, even just watching TV. I notice it to be more prominent and lasting all day, if I have been reading alot or doing excessive work on the computer causing eye strain, and it doesnt happen till after a day or two after I have do the above.