Hi, has anyone made any connection between the menpopause and panic attacks or general anxiety. To explain, I had my first panic attack last May, when my monthly cycle had become irregular, but thought no more about it, and was subsequently treated for a panic disorder. I had many attacks, and remained at a high level of anxiety for throughout the year. I was prescribed, in order, diazepam, lorazepam and prozac. My monthly cycle was still irregular ( Im 47 ), and although mentioned this to my psychiatrist and gp, was dismissed as being not relevant. During a hospital admission to a general and not a mental health ward my drugs were stopped as they didn't have access to them. When I then went to a mental health ward, and spoke to a consultant there, it was decided to place me on another anti depressant, which would take about 3 weeks to kick, at the same time I was put onto HRT using the patches. The change was astonishing and almost immediate, certainly well before the prescribed 3 weeks. I feel fantastic, not depressed or anxious at all, just my old usual self ! Which leads me to the conclusion that it may all have been related to the menopause. Has anybody else experienced anything similar ? I would be so interested to know !