Hi guys.
Sorry to hear you're doing it tough Jamie. I do things like that in the shower too. I shave everyday in the shower and it's a routine and I'm used to it. But every now and then I get a freaky paranoia about cutting myself and/or wanting to cut myself. Even though I know I actually don't want to cut myself, if that makes sense. Yeh I think it all goes with the panic and/or OCD Steve. That knife obsession is very common. I hear people talk about that a lot.
I scared myself a bit the other day becaues I smashed a cup on purpose. I don't normaly lose my cool like that. Afterwoods I analysed it and felt much better about it. Knowing the reason I was fed up had a lot to do with fatigue.
Vervaina is spot on! :) We're not going crazy, we're just having a reaction to a situation.
I have the urge sometimes when I see knives. I thought it was just me. Funny I haven't seen anybody post anything about cutting on here. Is that a normal thing also that goes along with this?
You are going to be okay. It sucks right now and you have every reason in the world to hate it. I totally sympathize with you. I also have strange thoughts that penetrate my brain! Sometimes, though I know it seems like a long shot, I comfort myself by the thought that one day I will wake up and feel good.
I guess my point is, you are not alone. And you are a perfectly normal person in a very unfortunate situation. It will get better. :)
I have panic disorder with agoraphobia and Obsessive compulsive disorder. So I get obsessive thoughts that trigger panic attacks and make them really bad, I mean I get normal panic attacks for no reason as well. But like I€™m taking a shower and I get the urge to cut my eyes when I€™m shaving so I have to throw the razor out of the shower and by this time I€™m into a really bad panic attack so I€™m dizzy and my heart is racing and I feel like I€™m going crazy. I really hate this.