Mine fall into alot of categories, most bothersome is the smothering feeling with extremely rapid heartbeat, not to mention I have a heart mumur (but not life threatening-but try telling myself that during a full blown attack doesnt help), dizziness, jelly legs, shaking all over, can barely speak. Years back I had one of the most horrible attacks, that I literally lost control of my bowels, well...needless to say I had always heard, when you die, this happens, I was quite sure, that was the one that truly going to kill me. I even would think like in the movie "What about Bob?", will someone just knock me out, so if I do go..at least I wont know it.
But I might add, I did find a doctor, got out of those negative thoughts, was agoraphobic, and even succeed to overcome that. I let my own self relapse after having about 2 years of no panic attacks, I didnt stay up on my coping skills, etc. that I should have kept doing, but Im making steps on making it back. I know it can be done, because I have been there.