Thanks for the advice. I am being seen by my family doctor and also a psychologist. I am thinking about making an appointment with a psychiatrist as well. I wasn't feeling well Monday so that may have had something to do with it. It seems like after I have a day of really bad panic attacks, it takes me a while to recover, as I feel anxious and on edge for several days after. I'll try the deep breathing. Thanks again,
Dear Beckie,
Has there been any added stress or something that led up to the attacks on monday? Try to use relaxation techniques (deep breathing, a hot bath) and try and settle your racing thoughts (read a book, keep busy). Are you being treated by a doctor? If not, it is important to make an appointment and let them know how you are feeling.
I was doing so well and now I feel like everything is falling apart again. I had panic attacks all day monday and I hate it because I feel like I am absolutely losing my mind. My thoughts are all confused and seem so unfamiliar and I feel like I don't know where I am or what's going on around me. Even though I've been "okay" since Monday, I just feel so funny and my mind is constantly racing. I feel like I'm just waiting for my next panic attack. HELP please. :8o: