Yes some people can wean off anti-depressants. But a majority of doctors are not knowledge on the effects of tapering and the side effects of SSRI's, they are fairly knowledgable with benzo's, but there has been well document cases of SSRI's side effects, it is much harder to wean off an SSRI than a benzo, and can last up to a year, alot get tinnitus, tremors, etc. mistakenly thinking they are having a relapse when its the side effects of withdrawal. The pharmaceutical companies are the source of education, and until a year ago, they claimed most if not all were non-addictive, and numerous pyschiatrists in the field of treating anxiety disorders are disputing with documented facts of misleading information to the public, the pharma companies cater to society, you didnt see so many commericals for Anti-Depressants until 9-11 hit, and they used this to market the drug for anything. The book Prozac Backlash deals with alot of the experts that have staged a war that is misleading the public and majority of non-expert doctors in the field of recognizing the effects, and the correct way of tapering from SSRI's.