I just hope there is help out there for me, SOON.
I just got some health insurance not too long ago and man I am just so thankful to have it, even though it does not much.
My symptoms lately have been so bad that Saturday night I was locked out of my house. You ever heard the sound of the telephone when you press the buttons?? Well that set me off to great lengths! All I did was hang the phone up and BAM, my heart just started racing. I jumped up really quick and put a coat on and went outside, only to forget that my keys were on the table. So I locked myself out. :( It was pretty bad too, because I had to walk nearly 4 blocks to a 7-11 to get some help, on top of the freezing I was shaking very bad because I was just so **** distraught, I thought I was actually going to lose my mind. I went into the bathroom and my eyes were bloodshot red, I couldnt think straight and I just had this terrible headache (which hasnt gone away yet). Soon as I get back into my home (after paying 55 dollars), I started to worry some more, so I quickly went to the ER (it was 6am) they gave me some morphine, I guess to shut me up. They did a thorough exam on me and said I was fine, even gave me a CT scan and said I was fine. I was kinda reassured but I felt shaken up still. All my limbs--SHAKING. I just hope I dont turn into a complete basket case.
Another question, when you go through your lil worrying stage do you feel a throbbing sensation in your head and just doesnt seem like it'll go away? I just cannot RELAX. Help!