Hi there,
I've just found this board and I'm trying to get some personal experiences regarding medication. I've had PD for twenty years- diagnosed at fourteen. I was put on xanax(only meds at that time) and now am on Paxil and tapering off the xanax.
What I was wondering was how many ppl out there are on xanax, and if so, did you /have you noticed you are more irritable/angry/have mood swings? I only ask because...long story, but I'm very low on my xanax now and I'm not sure if it was that, or the paxil has curbed my outbursts(I did have a sad upbrining, does that count? =)) but I wanted to learn as much as I can. I read online from upjohn that angry, mood swings, mania ARE sideeffects of this drug, but nothing was mentioned to me as a kid(well, my parents)
I'm very happy with PAxil, despite the weight gain. Oh well! What other meds have you all been on? What side effects did you experience? Zoloft, Imipramine, Halcion,...god...sooo many...Thanks!