Hi there. First of all I’m glad you’re posting a lot! I browsed a few wacked out bb’s before joining this one too.
I’ve posted my manifestation story in another one of your threads, so I won’t repeat myself.
I just wanted to let you know that everyone I’ve spoken to who has panic disorder always compares in someway to what life was/would be like without panic. It’s only been really bad for me this past year. But I do still compare myself to others and my pre-panic life. Guess it’s only natural.
That’s heavy you can’t remember a time you weren’t consumed by PD. Try to think of activities you do during the day that don’t require much thought. The times when you’re at your least anxious. Concentrate on that feeling and hopefully you’re body will follow through. Reducing the anxiety and panic along the way.
Sorry if I'm posting a lot, but this is the first place I can pose questions that don't have quacks and loonies on the bb.
I guess I wanted to know how many people here were diagnosed at an early age? I was fourteen when diagnosed in 1983. In looking back I had symptoms for years prior to that.
What makes me a bit sad, is to not know what life is like without knowing this irrational fear exists in me. I have fought my whole life and have one of those sad stories that could be on a day time TV show,but I don't want to dwell on that. I am happy of the person I've become and if PD made me stronger, I'm happy with that...but.. I still to this day,have nightmares of having to return to school after being gone for sixteen years...and I just can't remember moments of my life before panic disorder took me over.
Do any of you have this same problem?
How did your PD manifest itself?