I've been here for two weeks reading all the posts, but didn't have the correct password so I couldn't post!
My name is Mary Jane, and I have both agoraphobia and depression.
I thought I had my life pretty well under control until my husband of 25 years left me. Not only did he leave me, but he was my support (safe) person, who developed gambling and womanizing issues, leaving me bankrupt when he ran off with a 24 year old.
Now, when I say it like that, it should be, "good riddence" (sp?) but my agoraphobia reared it's ugly head. Then as I started to grasp the financial situation, and that I will have to return to the job market (at 53) I became suicidal.
Well, I'm on meds, and working through the situation a day at a time. The depression has lifted somewhat. I'm on 225 mgs. of Effexor plus Ativan.
I am being given the opportunity to move to Hawaii, live on the sixth floor, (fear of heights), and work in my profession.
So, just like shedav, I'm freaking out about moving to Hawaii.
I start my exposure part of the program in 2 weeks. I plan on working on expressways, and height.
Anyway, I'm happy to finally have gotten on. I feel like I know so many of you already.
I plan on asking my doctor for a beta blocker (inderol) when I see him this week.
I hate panic symptoms. . .and like a lot of agoraphobics, I have my life arranged not to experience many of them.
However, as I said, my life got turned upside down, and if I'm going to survive, I have to figure out how to become independent again.
I don't have family that can help me, EXCEPT IN HAWAII!