HTH- Hope this helps
On a light note here, when I attended a support group, we were told, if we have bouts of diarrhea, or generalized stomach cramps without fever, overeating,etc. that this was an indication of stress induced anxiety. Which I have very often, and sure enough its mostly on the days of more pronounced anxiety, I belch too. I am so glad you posted again, I had wondered since your last post how you were doing.
Yawning- alot of panic sufferers experience "air hunger", the yawning to feel the need to get more air into your lungs, even though we seem to be breathing ok. It is a scientific fact that PD is being more in a hyperventilation syndrome. It is not pronounced enough to realize we are subconsciencely breathing more rapid to notice this, and is constricted in the chest area, not the abdominal breathing which is correct and when we are in a complete anxiety free and relaxed state.