Hi Sarah,
Oh how I can relate on this!!! After acceptance of attacks, and pretty much not having them, you get stuck in a rut.
Its the fear of "testing" or putting our feet back into the water with getting out. You know your ok at home, and just now managed to accept and be able to keep the anxiety down with the attacks. But the thoughts change now to "What if I try to go out with a friend and I have a major panic attack?", we fear we will be back to the what ifs of the something is medically wrong, or I just wont be able to cope with getting to where you are at now.
Its not depression, just a period of down days, but we have up days too, break down that exposure therapy, you walk around the neighborhood, it is so much better to be able to strike up a conversation, or just smile and say Hello to a complete stranger while walking, nothing beats one to one contact with a human being. Sure we can get support and comfort online in chats ( I do that too), but we cant physically hear the voice, laughter, a good conversation like we can with others.
Slowly try to expand your boundaries, without a comfort person for a half hour one day. Call up a friend, or your sister, and try to go to lunch somewhere but very near your home, where subconsciencely you know you can get home quickly if need be, and enjoy!
Let me know how you do, somedays I can go two, three days in a row and feel wonderful afterwards, and next bit apprehensive so I will skip that day, but as long as we still keep plugging, it will get better.