I'm sorry, Steve, it's bad when it hits you like that. I know how you feel, I get so down on myself for letting it 'get' to me. They say it's all in changing your thoughts and attitudes about things, but that's so hard for me, cuz I've been thinking this way for a long time. It's not the store that scares you, like you said, you've been going there all your life. I can get scared to death sitting in my own house. What's scaring us is in our heads, the panic just happens in different places, like the store. I know that it's been going on for a long time, but there is hope and we can't give up. Sometimes I want to quit because I work so hard at getting better and I still have setbacks. Remember that you won't feel this way for long, panic and anx like to change and change often! LOL!!! But really, you'll get past this, and you know we all understand here! :)