Thanks Sarah!
Yep, that's me for sure, the fear of fear itself! I'm afraid of a feeling, that sounds so [b]DUMB![/b] I can start to think of having an attack and have it spin out into one. Sometimes I can even think of the physical sensations I have in attack and that will bring it on, too!
Sarah, I know that you're afraid of fear, just like me. But I wonder if you could try the exposure thing with your driving? You said that you don't drive anymore, maybe conquering that fear would help you with your 'fear of fear', too!
Yes, I'm glad I can still drive, although some days are pure hell. Last night was very high anx for 8 hours, but no attacks. Other nights aren't so bad. But I know it's really not the driving, if it had happened somewhere else, it would have been that thing instead.
I can't figure out one thing, though, and that's why do I sometimes seem to actually bring high anx or an attack on myself, almost on purpose? I know if I let my thoughts spin too far I'm gonna have one, yet sometimes I can't control them (or don't want to). Sometimes I think it's because if 'it' happens - then I can stop dreading an attack, it's already happened! Does that make sense to anyone????