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Just thoughts

for 21 år siden 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks again for the quick response. I think what bothers me the most is that the racy thoughts aren't real and I just keep wondering how I can have thoughts that aren't real. I have always had a really intense fear of losing my mind and my panic attacks just make it worse.
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeup, all the time. I also get really bad short term memory loss for a couple of days after a bad panic attack. If I'm still trying to remember what I thought during those scary thoughts a week after the event, I can remember some of what I thought. I don't think I remember everything but I can manage fragments of it. Memory and panic seem to go hand in hand, to me. But it is just a symptom of the panic attacks, it can't hurt you. Don't be scared if the day after a really bad attack you can't remember things clearly. It's like a hangover, but without the drink. I think of it as a healthy hang over, lol. The racey thoughts during a panic attack are probably different for everyone. I also think that we're experiencing what we would be thinking if we were asleep and dreaming. That could also explain the fact we can't remember it very well. If your racey thoughts include graphic violent images, don't worry I get this too. It's a hard thing to go through, but you'll never be alone in this. :) Think of it like a nightmere, it's very horrible but it can't physicaly harm you.
for 21 år siden 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sky, thanks for your response. It makes me feel a little better. When your panic attack ends, do you feel like you can't remember the thoughts that were racing through your head? My psychologist told me to write down what I'm thinking about during a panic attack but I can't because the thoughts just race too fast and by the time its all over, I can't remember what the thoughts were.
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You're not the only one Bec. I know exactly what you mean, it's such a horrible experience. Many times when I've not been able to control my thoughts during panic attack, it's turned into a feeling of utter disgust, at everything. Everything I think about disgusts me. I could be thinking about anything, even the pattern on the carpet could disgust me. Then I start feeling nausious and that makes the panic worse. I'm not quite sure how to break this cycle when you're in it. Something that helps me is puting my feet up. It doen'st really stop the racey thoughts but I've found it makes the worst of it pass quicker. It's a really hard cycle to break when you're in it. argh I hate it.
for 21 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Bec, I think I my know how you feel. When my panic attacks started a year and a half ago, I had extremely bizarre thoughts. I honestly felt like no one else had thoughts like mine and I felt unreal and like my surroundings were unreal 24/7, not just in a panic attack. I felt like the world was fake somehow and like I was not myself. It's actually near impossible to describe the thoughts I had but I thought no other human being had these thoughts. They were really terrifying. I actually thought I had dementia or some other organic brain disease. I totally thought I was losing it. The thoughts persisted for months and then when I got really busy and stressed out over another issue, the thoughts seemed to go away. I would HATE,HATE to go back to feeling that way!!!Those thoughts are so strange and scary and uncontrollable. So if I'm describing anything remotely close to what you're going through, then I really feel for ya. Just remember, those thoughts can disappear as they did for me. Take care, Sarah
for 21 år siden 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A lot of people keep talking about these rapid strange thoughts during panic attacks but the thoughts that race through my mind seem so unreal like I'm in a dream or something. I'm so scared that I'm losing my mind because I feel like I should be able to control my thoughts and I can't. I mean, how can I have thoughts that are so bizzare and unreal? Does anyone else feel like this or am I the only one? I've been taking Effexor for a few months and also seeing a psychologist but so far, no improvement. Please, is there anyone out there who can help me or has at least felt the same way? I really just want my life back!
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I’m so greatful for this message board too, it’s helped soo many people. The thing that struck me about and the thing I love the most about all this is the honesty. Anxietygirl you’re sooo right about that! Theres a positive side to everything, even panic disorder! Hang in there Hopeful. I drive a lot too and can relate to what you’re going through. I don’t really have any advice to give on that, other than I just keep thinking of the destination. I listen to music in the car. That seems to help me calm down a bit. Sarah I can relate to what you’re going through, that fragile feeling. It took a horrible break down for me to seek help too. Take care all. :)
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, this has been a big help to me. I have seen every symptom I have ever had on this site! And I've had them all at one time or another it seems. It was interesting to find out that other people's symptoms and obessions switch on and off like mine do. No shame in taking meds at all, I think it's another tool to help us and I want all the help I can get! I have a driving problem too, that started about 3 weeks ago. But I drive for a living - so now I'm driving 100 miles a day terrified. Sometimes it seems like a tiny step forward and 3 steps back! But we will never fail unless we quit trying.
for 21 år siden 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Sarah, You know what my favorite part of this board is? HONESTY Everyone is so honest, it's like we would all be friends and hang out together. I belong to 4 sites like this and have met the most wonderful people around. I didn't see you respond to my beets vs. calamari post, LOL get going, lets go, I don't have all night!!! jk take care, you sound better to me, it takes time ya know. I don't go out at all, I do drive my car tho, only about a mile away from my house, I love to drive. Try this, get in the car and back out of the driveway and pull back in. Thats it. Then later or the next day do it again, see what happens. You will be right in your driveway. If it is traffic that concerns you, just drive 1 minute away and back. take care, keep posting
for 21 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all, I just wanted to say that this message board has been very helpful to me. I am learning so much about panic and all it's related conditions. I knew I had panic but I didn't really think all my other weird thoughts and symptoms were directly related to panic. Now I am finding that for every "crazy" thought I have, someone else has felt that way too. I have yet to describe a symptom, thought or feeling on this board that no one else has had. It's a great sense of comfort! Although I do wish no one else in the world had to suffer this way. I am seeing quite a bit of improvement in my anxiety level since I started taking Celexa 2 and a half weeks ago. I no longer have chronic muscle pain from being so tense all the time. I still get anxious but my anxiety level never goes over the top like it used to. I still haven't gone out yet. I have been out of the house but only with my mom (sounds sooo pathetic). I still have not driven in 5 weeks or seen friends since my birthday which was Oct 2. I think I probably could do some stuff now but I'm kind of scared to try in case it happens again. I did that all the time before-pushed myself and pushed myself-I refused to let this take over my life-then, eventually, I just completely broke down and became totally paralysed by this. I stopped doing EVERYTHING and even then I was in constant terror. Stupidly, it took breaking down to make me take meds and even then it took awhile. I thought I could use willpower and all my inner strength and intelligence to overcome these irrational thoughts. I believed in the power of the mind and body to heal itself. Now I realize there is no shame in taking meds. We wouldn't expect a cancer patient to will away cancerous cells using personal and mental strength and willpower! Anyways, just some thoughts. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend (as much as you can) and knows that they will get through this. Not normally religious, I have started praying every night and I pray for you all. Sarah

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