I'm probably not the best person to listen to, but when I was given
prozac I started having violent thoughts, knives freaked me out.
Well, they took me off that med. Besides the weird thoughts, I
started experiencing SEVERE muscle spasms. Literally every
muscle in my body would twitch (like your eye does sometimes)
Anyhow, I can't prove it was prozac nor can I disprove it. I even
went to a neurologist. Anyhow, now, 2 years later, I still
occassionally have muscle spasms (mostly around menstration). It
is scary and drove my anxiety through the roof. LIke I told the
doctor, you would be anxious to if your **** muscle twitched all
Anyhow, I agree with calling your doctor now. Should have an
answering service.
let us know how it goes.