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Always DYING

for 21 år siden 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First of all I think this is just the way panic works. After all that's what we're all worried about, dying. So it's normal that we'd be consumed with that thought 24-7. I've gotten so bad that I'm affraid to stay home alone with the kids. What if I die? They're too young to call their dad and tell him, they'll hurt themselves until 6PM. And the doctors don't even understand, they always ask you if you want to hurt yourself. Are you crazy? I'm terrified of dying! No, I'm not going to do it to myself! As for explaining panic to other people...Well I do it this way, if the person really wants to know. I tell them imagine that I told you that you'll get hit by lightning everyday. Sometimes once, sometimes more times a day. I can't tell you when or where but it will strike you. Sure there will be days when it won't but I can't tell you when those days are either. Nobody can stop the lightning. You can carry a magic umbrella with you but it won't always protect you. So now go on with your life, relax and try to work with it. That's what my life is like. With this explanation most people are a lot more understanding of my problem.
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I did the "schedule time" yesterday. I think it is too early to tell the effects, but it made me realize actually how much of the day I am conjuring or mulling over worrisome feelings or thoughts. It's hard not to ruminate about them! It's like they demand your attention for a solution! Anyhow, my overall anxiety level was around 4. (10 being the highest) I seemed more focused on my family too rather than my internal thoughts. A bothersome situation right now is that I'm having stomach problems, heartburn reflux, I was stupid and took 800mg motrin (for my chronic neck/back pain) and it sent my stomach into flames! So that was worrisome and painful feelings I was dealing with besides anxiety itself.
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hahaha, that is soo cool that you laugh about it! Yeh it's always the 'what if's'. We never spend any time thinking about 'what if it never happens'. Bergh, I'm gonna do this and have a laugh too! Happy days lol.
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been trying this lately, I read about it in a book. It said when a worry comes you should say to yourself that it's a legitimate worry and that you will worry about it at a specific time, say 3pm. Then at the appointed time you should sit and worry as hard as you can about all those things that you're concerned with for 15 minutes. I start listing them, 'what if I can't drive', 'what if I can't get all the farm chores done', 'what if the sky falls', 'what if a sinkhole opens and eats my house', etc. You'll notice that all of your worries start with 'what if'. And you'll notice that you run out of things to worry about before the time is up. If you do, you must re-worry about the things. It never fails to make me laugh before I'm done. It sounds so stupid to say 'what if' over and over, it makes you realize that most of the things you worry about never happen and the ones that actually do are never as bad as you thought. It also makes you realize that you can control your thoughts by putting off the worry to another time. Try it and have a laugh!
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tracie, that's a fantastic idea. Thank you!! I'm gonna try it. :)
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been thinking on this a little while. I too feel sometimes I'm just dying and nobody is seeing it. I can just get so strung out over physical symptoms I swear they get worse because of it. SOOOOOO what I've came up with or rather decided to do because I really am so tired of this. Is to 'schedule' my worry time. Or rather ruminating time. It's normal for everyone to worry about a problem. It's our 'problem solving mechanism' but what I think I do as an anxiety/panic person is I go overboard on the 'thinking/ worrying' and it doesn't shut off. Then I get the panic response which makes the situation 100 times worse than what it is. As of today I am scheduling any thought or physical sensation I have I will schedule a time to 'worry' or "brood' about it. If I feel a physical twinge or if a thought of it pops in my head I'm going to acknowledge it, but not worry/obscess about it until my scheduled time.
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
argh I hate this too! I imagine people's reactions to my death aswell. All the time it's in the back of my mind nagging at me. It's like dying over and over again everyday. I am getting better with panic but I can't pretend this isn't upsetting me. I'm so glad this site exists. It's so helpful to read other people who share the same fear and understand it first hand. Really does make all the difference. I have a few friends who understand panic very well. But I don't see them everyday of the week. Everyone else can't seem to understand what I'm scared of and it's so hard to put into words. I've almost given up trying to explain it to people now. People try to understand but I think I've been scaring a few people with this fear. I haven't said much about it to these people but, you know, people pick up on your feelings. I can sense their unease with my disorder. That's a tough one. On a more positive note. Although this thread is filled with all our fear. It's so good to read! :confuse:
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey when I read this I got a big sigh of relieve just because I go through the exact same thing I ask my sister every night if I am going to be ok I don't know why I feel this way but I think I am gonna die all the time theres nothing wrong with me I am fine and I still think I am just going to collapse it scares me I don't want to die I just turned 19 there is so much I want to do and I hate this so much I am frustrated and I want to cry all the time I just need to know I am gonna be ok and if other people feel this way to its kinda like well you'll be ok its just your panic attacks talking
for 21 år siden 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello ann. I too, panic when I pick up my daughter from school. I always worry that I will die before I can get there and she will be stuck with no one to pick her up and what if she gets lost or kidnapped or hurt or... or... or... I go through this every school day. I always carry ID on me where is is easily accessible in case I do die or something so that my family will be informed and can take care of my kids as soon as possible. I also am afraid to drive with my kids in the car because I do not want to die behind the wheel and have them hurt (or worse) as well. :8o: I drive myself nuts with these thoughts but find them so overwhelming they are difficult to brush aside. :confuse:
for 21 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh my god. I thought that I had wrote this topic. I can so relate to you. I feel like I am going to drop down dead at any moment. If I am picking up my daughter from school, I panic, what if I collapse and die now! If I go out shopping with the kids, its the same. No matter what I do or go, the feeling is with me 24/7. It is the most frightening thing ever. I thought I was the only one who felt like this. Ann

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