My dad is the same way. I grew up with no mother. He thinks its all in my head. He wanted me to give him a ride somewhere a couple of weeks ago about 20 minutes one way, I said I can't. He gives me that look, just give me a ride, he says.
Try this, this is what I did. I take zoloft, and it comes with a booklet describing how people with anxiety/depression/panic people feel, like their symptoms. So I gave him the booklet, and he went outside and read it. I think he understands more now from reading it. His girlfriend also has tried to explain it to him
I am 32 and he is 60, so back then, I doubt anyone ever heard of anxiety. It is hard to explain it to an old fashioned person.
I don't know how old your parents are, but that might be one of the problems.
You can still talk to your friends on the phone, that's what I do, or over the computer.
If you don't have a booklet to let your parents read, let them come to this site, so they can see how many people REALLY have this. Or go to google and type in anxiety and let them read that.
good luck