Hi Sarah,
Every time I go to the doctor, he listens to my heart, weighs me, take BP, general stuff the nurse do before he comes in. Just says yeah I hear that clicking. But no, I don't have to keep up with cardiologists, etc for my murmur. It was detected at age 7 for me, stated was born with it, and Im now 41 years old. The only thing that feeling the palpations during an attack, just makes the thoughts run wild, but it doesnt cause any damage. The only precaution I have to take, and it should be listed on all dentist appointments for you to check off, is if you have a heart murmur, I have to take high dose of penicillin a few hours before having my teeth cleaned, or if I need a cavity filled, etc. It has to do with the shallowing of the tartar (hardened) which is full of bacteria, that can get into your blood stream. So I just call ahead of time, and get the penicillin before I head off to my appointments.
Hope this helps,