I don't know about Paxil but I take zoloft and my anxiety was terrible the first couple of weeks.
I actually told my husband I think my anxiety is worse since I started the medicine.
Come to find out with zoloft or maybe other medicines, your anxiety will increase in the beggining and then go away.
I am NOT a doctor, I think you should find out if Paxil is like that.(increased anxiety in the beginning)
I actually only had 2 panic attacks in my life, the second one I had was 2 weeks into taking zoloft, I called the doctor and told him I need something I am freaking out. He gave me a prescription for xanax, which I am proud to say, I haven't had to take one in about 2 or 3 weeks.
take care hang in there maybe ask about xanax too until the paxil kicks in.