Hi! Just type in the search engine...Potentials Unlimited, Inc....and you will find the tapes. That is the name of the company and it comes right up.
And, thank you!! I am so happy today for the first time in a loooong time! I had some small milestones today, again, and am doing great. My recent small steps have made me feel like I've climbed mountains!! I feel like a kid learning to live and see the world all over again! I never knew just walking into a store you were afraid of, by yourself, and not feeling afraid, could be so exciting!!! I'm actually becoming proud of myself for the small steps, instead of beating myself up because I didn't do more!
I sent the tapes to another person who comes to this site (we became e-mail buddies) and she just got them. I am hoping that in a few weeks, if they help her too, she will post it for all of you.
And, if any one else tries them, please let everybody else know how they are working for you. Remember, you must give them a little time....at least a full month...and then keep listening. We have had negative thoughts for sooo long that it does take time to accept the positive ones. It seems to work slowly, but subtly. You do something you would normally be in fear of and don't think twice about it! Then, you realize..."hey, last week I wouldn't go to that store, and now, I did it!"
The way I look at it is...anything is worth a try to deal with all this, as long as it is not dangerous or unhealthy. And, one of the cool things on the agoraphobia tape (self hypnosis side) is that he talks about being healthy and that our bodies are a safe place for us to be. (It's helping to connect me again, as a person. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've often felt separate; my mind from my body...sort of disconnected in a weird way. I am definitely experiencing disassociation MUCH less.)