Cool, I'm going to try this too. I'll get some rice vinegar next time I go shopping. Sounds too good to be true, but anything's worth a try! I'll let you know if it has any effect. Hope everyone else does the same. :)
Thanks for the info! I'll think I'll try it, too. Sounds like something easy and natural.
Let us know if it works for you and how long it took to start working. :)
i was on a stop smoking site last week and posted a message about panic and the patch. a lady responded to it and told me that she had serious panic attacks for quite sometime and was in a sushi bar one night with a friend talking with her about the panic problem when the sushi chef happen to hear her and told her to take a capfull of rice vinegar once a day. she went and bought some that night and says shes only had 1 panic epsiode in 3 years since she started useing it. she didnt remember how long it took before it took effect. i bought some and have just started using it. dont know what is in rice vinegar but if this helps im game. i do know that my stomach was hurting during a eposode this weekend[which it usually does] and i took a capfull and it went away. hears hoping.