Hi Missdjrane,
Today I started .05 milligrams of Lexapro. I discontinued the 12.5 mills of Paxil yesterday morning. I am VERY nervous about this switch!! I feel shaky, sweaty and panicky. It is probably NOT the med, at such a low dose. My husband thinks it all "in my head" because I fear the new med so much. Paxil C.R helped me so much with the anxiety and panic, but I gaind 40 pounds in a year on it, so my Doc decided to change me. My question to is: I noticed on a ealier post you said you take Klonopin, now I noticed you don't. Did you have a bad reaction to the Lexapro and Klonopin taken together?? I hope not because my Doc said I could take a 0.5 at night along with the Lexapro,as I was doing for months with the Paxil. Is it alright to take the klonopin WITH the lexapro,low dosages, as I did with the Paxil C.R. The klonopin has been a life-saver, did you take the Lexapro and Kloopin toghether for awhile, and was it alright, I do not want to O.D or faint or get sick. My Doc is out of town, just my luck, I have been putting off starting the Lexapro for over a month, and I have finally started it. If you could respond I would appreciate it. About taking Lexapro and Klonopin together at the same time. I feel SO dizzy and nervous, I have not had a panic-attack for months, and I fear this change in med, I am on the verge! Thank you so much, if anyone could help me I would be SO grateful. Thank-you Missdrjane, I hope you are doing well on the Lexapro, any info would be much appreciated! Thanks again, Debi.