I just started taking Lexapro, after months of Paxil C.R. which was great. Lexapro is not agreeing with me after just a few days. I am having severe shortness of breath, headache, insomnia and I have been crying non-stop! I called Doctor, and she said to just keep taking it, that I am not taking enough yet. I find that hard to believe, if I increase the dosage, The shortness of breath will become worse, I can take the other side effects, but that one scares me to death! I want SO badly to go back of Paxil, but The Doctor refuses! I am afraid to continue because I may stop breathing. Has anyone else gone through this on LEXAPRO these side effects I just mentioned?? I can barely catch my breath. Any information would be apreciated, I also take low dose of Klonopin, but I am even afraid to take that with the breathing problems. Doctor is VERY unconcerned. Is this a normal side effect?? I will be looking forward to any replies. Thank you so very much. DEBI