I posted a message to Missdrjane today. I am very nervous about starting Lexapro, I started this morning at 0.5 after taking Paxil C.R. for months, Paxil was wonderful I weaned from 40-20 milligrams of regular to 12.5 C.R. Paxil worked great, I know it gets alot of bad press, but it worked wonders for my anxiety, panic and low-grade depression. THe only problem was a weight gain and tiredness, I could of live with it, but my Doc wanted me to change. My Doc is out of town. just my luck, and what I wanted to know is if it was alright to continue taking my .05 klonopin at night, {as I did with the Paxil} WITH the lexapro. My husband works long hours and I am home with my little one, and I do not want to O.D or pass out or die or anytning, That probably sounds extreme, but I am VERY scared. Has anyone out there taken Lexapro with Klonopin?? Is it ssafe? My Doc says, if I remeber correctly, it is alright. I loved Paxil and I hate going off it. Is lexapro better? My doc was concerned about the weight gain, and extreme fatigue. Any information would be so apreciated. I think I am "imagining" side effects from the lexapro, probably the fear of the new med. If someone could write me back, as soon as possible, I would be grateful. Concerning Lexapro, side effects, etc.... and if I can take lexapro and klonopin TOGETHER, without trouble. I feel on the verge of a panic-atttack which I have not felt in months. The Doc said I could continue the Paxil C.R. for a few weeks, WITH the 5-10 of Lexapro, but I have heard that can cause "serotonin syndrome" which is very bad, with my luck...I guess better safe than sorry. Thanks so much for reading this and responding, Thanks, Debi.