It is very common to have dizziness, blurred vision or feelings of being "out of it" with anxiety!! I've had bouts of dizziness that have lasted weeks, then just dissapear. I have had my ears, eyes and all my blood work checked. It's just a silly symptom our bodies come up with to alarm us.. The more you ignore it the faster it will go away. I started an anti deppresant recently (Lexapro) It didn't make the dizziness worse, I think you should take the med, you can't feel much worse? Right? Good Luck.. you'll be fine..
LOL Yeah I do, seems never enough light, or if I watch TV, and try to look at digital numbers on a clock or the TV they are double visioned. But I also could use a good eye check up too.
lately with my panic disorder it seems like my eyesight isnt as good and it feels like im crossed eyed sometimes. does anyone else experience eyesight problems with anxiety?