I'm so proud of you that you are continuing to take your medication. Once your body gets used to the medication, the nausea will subside. Try drinking some ginger ale during the day, this seems to have a soothing effect on the stomach. Also, you can try sucking on ginger candy. They are the most pleasant tasting, but they might do the trick. Stick with the Lexapro. You will probably start to feel better within a few days. Keep up the good work! :)
After taking 2.5mg on Lexapro for 7nights without any side effects except maybe being tired during the day. I went up to 5mg last night. OH GOD I had SO much nausea today at work I could hardly talk!! What do I do? I take it at night after dinnner and sleep till 9am. I can't deal with that side effect!! HELP!! Will it go away?