I am going through a very rough time right now. I won't go into the LONG story, but have suffered with severe panic disorder, agoraphobia and depression for most of my life (I'm almost 45). I was always able to pull myself together and climb out (of the house and hell) before, but this time due to circumstances that I haven't been able to deal with...I've gotten really bad.
Though I really know that I need to take medicine (I do take a TINY amount of xanax after being pressured by family and friends for 2 years), I am absolutely petrified of medication (I seem to be medicine sensitive and suffer lots of side effects from all types of drugs).
After keeping Lexapro in the kitchen drawer for 8 months, I broke down a few months back and tried it. From the first night I was waking up every hour on the hour and sitting straight up in bed. All day long I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin and even though I was exhausted, I couldn't stay in my chair at work. I would jump up and then sit down, over and over again. So...I stopped taking it.
Now, my doctor has given me Zoloft, (which of course, I have carried around in my purse now for a month) and she wants me to take it. The last 2 days I have broken the pill in half and forced it down, but I am so afraid of what will happen to me. I have read all the horrible things that people have gone through and I don't think I can emotionally handle having those experiences or withdrawals when I want to stop it. And, after the Lexapro...I don't know what to do. BUT, I can't keep living like this. I am afraid to walk out the front door of my home. (I do work...but it's only a mile from my front door and then I'm afraid to leave my office. After work, I virtually live in my bedroom because it's the only place I feel comfortable.) This is no life.
Can anyone give me hope and give me a positive story about Zoloft so that I keep taking it and find hope again??
I also found out yesterday that my 19 year old neice is suffering the exact same symptoms as me. I would like to help her, but I can't help her if I can't help myself first and show her that she can beat this and get better.
Thanks for any advice or comments.