And if it€™s something that would just be for short term try asking her about Xanax xr, it€™s not an ssri or anything like that, it€™s more like valium but it€™s time released so it€™s easier to come off of.
Hi, Ladybug. Welcome. Letting yout therapist know how you feel and participating along with your therapist in your recovery plan is super. However it's wise to keep the door of communication open in regard to medication.
Don't hesitate to show our panic program to your therapist. The booklet form is downloadable.
All the best.
I have just started going to see a therapist for my anxiety problems. She is still trying to figure out exactly what type of diagnosis to give, but so far she has brought up adjustment disorder with anxiety and Post traumatic stress disorder. My therapist mentioned that I would possibily need some type of medication but only for a short time. She has only met with me twice so far. I am so scared to try any type of medication, especially because I do not want to become dependent on it. I told my therapist that I want to try to work through my issues on my own for as long as I can before turning to medication. Did I do the right thing, or should I have tried medication first?? Any advice will be very helpful. Thanks! :)