Don't let this keep you in discouraging stage. Document down the things you have achieved in your exposure work, and keep reflecting on them. Your making wonderful progress. Sometimes we feel so good achieving our baby steps, that we set a goal, just bit too high, only to have a setback, and let those negative feelings bring us back down. I know in my exposure therapy, I was doing well on baby steps, but tried to shoot my goal too high one day to expand my comfortable zone too quickly. It didnt work. So I was very bummed out, felt depressed and had negative thoughts of "Am I as far as I can go stage?". But someone listened and said something to me, then it really made sense, I was expecting or trying too skip my baby steps, to a LEAP instead. So I reassured myself of what I had accomplished and remembered baby steps, baby steps. Continued reading as much as could, reinforcing my positive thoughts, and those positive thoughts will prevail more than those negative thoughts. It's great that the trip was going well, until the road home, but you have remember, if your not used to traveling 200 miles away, and are limited to 50 mile radius for example, that you need to increase it gradually. Keep the faith Bern, your doing wonderful !!!