I went to see a neurologist today, I was SO lucky to get in.. I called several and there were no appointments till Nov.!! I couldn't take the dizziness any longer, I figured there has to be something physically wrong with me!! I told him my history of anxiety and panic, and he did lots of tests. He thought I might have low blood pressure and that's why when I get up in the morning I get SO dizzy. But I did lying down and sitting up exercises while having my blood pressure taken and I was fine!?! Hmm. He said I need to drink lots of water, that has alot to do with dizziness and headaches (dehydration) He said that it would be a good idea to start the Lexapro at low doses 2.5mg for a week then 5mg, since I'm so sensative to antidepressants, he also suggested that I take Klonopin 5mg at night (with the Lexapro) and then again in the morning when I'm most anxious. The Xanax isn't doing it for me like it used to. He said something that made total sense to me , that the more syptoms you have before starting an anti-depressant, the more side-effects you'll get at the begining of taking it!! Weeee! So I guess I'm going to go for it!! I'll start tonight! WISH ME LUCK (Hope I don't die) :) :) Thanks for listening (reading)