Hi Miss,
Years back I started on a SSRI, I too had more agitation and first day a panic attack, dreaded the thought of going thru this, but I had found a specialist I trusted. You mentioned this with your doctor of 14 yrs, you trust him. My side effects went away as my body adjusted, he said if you trust me, you will get better, the side effects will subside. And they did. So do put some faith in someone that you do trust. It worked for me, and I know it can for you. I think your source of having more dizziness at home, is this is where you are most frightened since having them at this particular place more often, so the sense of dread coming back home and already thinking Im going to be dizzy, I just know it, and maybe pass out, creates the symptoms again. Your more distracted at work, and can think it away easier, but if you lie down, just waiting for the what ifs, your negative thoughts creep in. You need to find a diversion at home. Something that takes complete concentration, cause even watching TV will make your mind wander off to those thoughts again. To start you off slowly, prop up some pillows in your bed and sit in a comfortable upright position, this way, your reassured "if" you think you "might" pass out, your not going to hit the floor or anything. Then pick up needlepoint, word games, take a note pad, and start writing on every movie Tom Hanks played in, etc. Something to distract you. Wishing you the best!