So I just joined this program a week ago, and have been only having attacks for a few months. I don't know much about anything right now, I've been on Paxil for about a month and it's kicked in kind of. My attacks (which were about 3 a day) have extremely gone down to about 2 or 3 a week, but they are still hard to cope with, and depression seems to rule my life as always, especially after an episode. I suppose I need to get my dosage upped, but thats easier said than done. I'm curious about how therapy has worked for you all, and what dosages of Paxil others (if any) are on. What are your opinions on the better anxiety/depression drugs out there? It is very theraputic writing though, so I'll continue. I've called so many ambulances to my house and been to so many ER's it makes me sick, and I'll admit the Paxil is helping a lot, but I'm by no means cured. And all the time I'm worrying about what its doing to my head, and what all the other things I have mean! The first psych ward I went to, the doctor told me I was agoraphobic with panic disorder and depression, which I've always had, but he didnt seem able to tell me anything else or explain why. And he gave me Vistaril, this antehistamine which knocked me out for a couple of days but did NOTHING besides that. Thats charity ER for you. So then when I called an ambulance at work because I thought I was having a heart attack (very embarrasing but I got a free oxygen mask!) that doctor gave me the Paxil. Thats the other thing, I have no insurance, so I'm seeking out some sort of therapy or somewhat steady doctor I could see cause I'm very poor. I live in New Orleans and they used to have a good free mental health care thing, but now because of budget cutting, theyve all but closed all of the centers down. Why? But anyway, thats enough about me, I'd appreciate any feedback though, everything I hear about panic disorder helps me. Thanks, Drue
This message was edited by am on 9-8-03 @ 10:20 AM