Hi Simon,
Think maybe my first post I tried was wee bit long. For it didnt go through. I will try to condense this one a bit. First you dont have a fear of people, but the fear of "what people will think of you". You were distressed to learn your parents noticed you being extremely nervous, when in all actuality, they saw more of you being apphrensive, on edge, restlessness. They didn't see the whole "freaking" anxiety episode. But your family and you both need education, by reading, learning from your doctor, support groups, and understanding of what you have. This helped me immensely. You worried over saying things without thinking- that is what we do when we are so frustrated that we feel utterly helpless trying so desperately to control what we have, and it comes out in venting our anger to others. Sometimes, we arent even angry, and words just get mixed up, and wondering if we are even making a sentence sound right. The waking up "not being with it" and extreme nervousness at night, that is the result of not getting a sound sleep day after day, from the anxiety, by the time we fall asleep, our minds are so mentally exhausted, by morning we have little concentration- the haze. I posted alot more, concerning the flurorescent lights, the cant cry even if you wanted too, but feel if I post much more, this one wont go through. But to answer your last question, Will it ever End? Yes. I have been there. Panic free, anxiety free, shopping, driving, life is good. If you need to talk more, please post, and I will give you my email address to correspond one on one.