My behavorial therapist suggested this website. I've been working with her for 8 months now. I'm 48 and have had anxiety problems for 20 years. They were'nt too bad until I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and since then it's been one thing after another. Six months ago I went off my hormone replacement due to all the controversary. About 2 months ago I just "lost it" I am living day to day not enjoying anything, dwelling on every little twing I have. My big fear is now I having these crushing fatigue spells, first they were about once a month, now they are once a week, they last a couple of hours,it starts with my legs being very weak. My blood pressure is running about 190/90 and I can't seem to get it down, making me even more anxious. I went back on the hormone pills since some of the symptoms of lack of estrogen can be anxiety and depression. I spend my days worrying if I'll have another fatigue attack and when. Some days I feel great and get up the next morning feeling very positive and optomistic. Then it hits me again.
I have resisted medications since I'm terrified to take them after a near death experience a few years ago from medication, and I'm very sensitive to many things including Paxil, Zoloft, Buspar.
Does anyone know if it could be a hormone defeciency aggravating my problem, has anyone else experienced these spells of extreme overwhelming fatigue, even in the middle of a "good" day? I'm very afraid when I have them, and I'm wondering also if they could be an axiety attack presenting itself in a different form.
Any advice or words of comfort? I have been to GP and he finds nothing wrong. Have to wait 3 more weeks to get into the Psycologist who will prescribe anxiety meds. Seems like a lifetime when your anxious and depressed.