Hi there. I've read a few of the posts but don't have the time right now to go through all of them. I have an ex g/f who suffers from panic attacks. I was just wondering what I could do to help her through them in the future. Do you think a hug would be inappropriate? Or was it that helpful for some people? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Hi my name is Nikole and I know exactly what your going through I'm 22 yrs. and I 've had that the same problem.Although, I do think that you will feel better describing alittle, about whats going on to your friends.Chances are they have the same feelings sometimes too.anxiety is false evidence appearing real.
This fear cant hurt you .You just have to have alittle courage and faith and it will all work out in time.
e-mail me at Quitit389@aol.com ;)
Just curious about how all you singles out there handle dating and anxiety. I find when I am going through a period of anxiety, I find myself avoiding wanting to meet someone. Dating is hard enough as it is, and my anxiety doesn't help matters. I am not the most open person in the world, and I guess I fear having to tell someone about my condition, especially the fact that I take meds for it. I don't even discuss my anxiety problem with my friends that I have known for years.
I would like to hear about other's experiences and how you handle your relationships.