I also take Lexapro 10 mg a day. I take Xanax as well. My doc told me the Xanax would cause my pupils to be dilated and they really are. At night, other's headlights have a haze around them. I understand the "imprint" thing too - I have also noticed that if I am sitting staring at the wall, my eyes move with my heart beat. Strange. I think it is all side effects. I have been on the Xanax for about 4 months now and the Lexapro about 2....it helps, so I'll take it!
I noticed when I was on Paxil my pupils were always really dilated so driving at night was difficult and everything seemed really bright, but I€™m surprised you have side effects after this long, I would tell your doctor and see what he says.
Hi. I am pretty new to these boards. I have been taking lexapro for about 7 weeks now and was wondering if anyone else taking this or other ssris noticed vision changes, especially at night.
In low light my vision is very fuzzy or grainy. I also get lots of "imprinting" in low light as well. When I look at a black poster on a white wall then look away there is still an imprint of the poster i was looking at for a few seconds.
I havent used LSD, nor did i ever hallucinate before.
Does anyone else experience these vision abnormalities?