Thanks for your suggestions. I seems that most of my panic attacks take place at work or the surrounding area (the lobby, shopping area, etc.). Had a panic free weekend, but as soon as I returned to work, it started again. It's not like my job itself is stressful, it's the panic and anxiety that is. I've been at my job over 10 years and am very comfortable in my role, but I had a very bad day today. As soon as I got off the subway, the "floaty feeling" and unsteadyness began as I was walking to the office. This happened a number of times throughout the day (4 times to be exact). I cannot pinpoint what triggers the anxiety at work. I am getting very frustrated and angry at my condition. I feel like I cannot reach my full potential in my career. I am currently taking Xanax, which doesn't seem to work as well as it used to and I am switching back to Effexor XR after trying Paxil CR for a few weeks. The Effexor seemed to work pretty well at 75 mgs. but the weight gain was what made me change meds. I noticed the Paxil increased my anxiety, so I am slowly tapering off. I guess the weight gain is the lesser of the two evils. At least this time, I will be aware of this side effect.
Anyway, I just needed to vent. If anyone experiences similar problems, or has any suggestions on how to deal with that "floaty feeling" (that's the only way I can describe it), I would like to hear from you.