When I wake in the morning I feel like I am on some cold medication, jumpy and nervous. Like all my systems are racing. This goes away gradually after I take the Xanax and eat some food. I have begun doing both the moment I arise, that reduces my severe symptoms to about 45 minutes, but it is several hours before I feel "right" again (well, as right as I can feel right now anyway). The negative thoughts have not been as pervasive the last two days but the feelings of anxiousness in the morning are really quite strong.
I have adjusted my doseage of Effexor this morning to 112mgs as per the doctors order. I also now use a .5mg of Xanax three times daily, once when I wake, once at lunchtime and once before bed. Yesterday I used a .25 dose in addition at arond 4:30 PM
The negative thoughts no longer dominate my everyday thinking but I know they are lurking there in the background waiting to come forward. This gives me a constant uneasy feeling, like I am on alert all the time. This is better than actually struggling with the thoughts but still unacceptable. I do see progress being made thogh so I am somewhat encouraged.
I anticipate a rough couple of days (thankfully over the weekend at least) because of the medication doseage increase, but perhaps not. I have learned since the last doseage increase that food intake is an important factor in controling the nausea and other negative effects of the Effexor.
I think Ive read every anxiety related book ever published! :) It seems that the "inner talk" thing is a must. When does that come into play in "The Panic Program"? I am due to start my second week of it tomorrow. I am working on the inner talk thing...any tips on how to make it work better would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has an anxiety free day today. :)