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for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
MIKE, I am on my 4th day of Effexor XR.. 37.5 mg I have been "diagnosed" as having anxiety and panic disorder. I've had it on and off for 11years. I have taken Xanax as needed through this time. I see a CBT, a psycologist and a psychiatrist. My psychiatrist has been pushing me to get on an antidepressant, everytime I try one I get severe panic attacks, so I stop taking it. I have held out on this Effexor.... even though I'm scared to death of taking it. I live alone and that scares me, what if something happens to me? I'll die alone with my cat . I saw my Cognitive Behavior Therapist today. He told me that this med is making me worse and I should stop taking it, and that I can get over this without meds. Which is what I've been saying for years and I have yet to do it. That's why I started taking Effexor. I felt that I could NO longer do it alone. I know all the "tricks" to calming the mind and what to do when I have an attack, but that doesn't stop me from having them and *major* anticipatory anxiety. I don't know who to listen to? Seems like MD's want to give you meds. and therapists want to talk to you. The talking helps me lots, but it doesn't get rid of the anxiety once I'm home alone. I am SO confused.. Today was my 4th day on Effexor XR, which is the longest I have been on a med. So far everyday that I've been on it I have had a panic attack that lasts at least an hour or so, that scares the $!^# out of me... Is it making me worse? Do I stop taking it? What do I do?
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not much to report....aint it great! Prettty standard day yesterday, I did get kind of drowsy mid morning but I expected that. The day was smooth sailing and last night went great too. I woke a little early this morning so I expect I will be drowsy around 10:00 am. I'm going to try to hit the sack early tonight. I didnt receive my soothing sound recordings yesterday. If they dont come today I'm going to call that nature boy and rip him up one side and down the other. [b]I NEED MY SOOTHING SOUNDS[/b] and i'm gonna open a big can of whoopass on those tree huggers if they dont come today! I'll get my soothing sounds or some barefoot, lotus sitting, loose fitting clothes wearing, peacenick will feel my wrath! Give me that "babbling brook with songbirds and harps" CD or I'll go postal on you! ( :)hahaha, I hope everyone got at least a chuckle out of that. I just love irony) Seriously, I hope they come today I am looking forward to laying in bed and listening to a thunderstorm in the forest. That sounds like it will be very relaxing to me. Have a fabulous day everyone. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I saw the therapist yesterday and we did some more digging. She seems to feel I manifest this pervasive negative thought to punish myself for something I feel guilty about. We are now looking for what that might be. We are also planning some joint sessions with my wife. Our marriage is very solid but we need to find a way to get some "us" time. With a busy family life, that may prove to be a challenge. Yesterday was as great as Monday. No issues creeping in and no negative thoughts. I woke this morning feeling great. I am a little tired because I stayed up a bit too late but other than that I feel "normal". I spoke to the doctor about my medication regime (which I described several posts back) and she agreed that it was a sensible approach. I know I am feeling good so something I am doing is working. School will start up soon and I feel like I will actually be able to share in the excitement. I was concerned that I would be moping around and be a stick in the mud for my daughters first day in kindergarten. I know she is excited, I would hate to have been a wet blanket on her big day. But now, I wont be. I think I will pick her up and swing her around on the first school day just to hear her laugh. Have a wonderful day free of troubles and worries. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
missdjrane, Hang in there and keep in contact with your doctor. This place here can offer you emotional support but when it comes to advice on your meds you really need to consult you doctor. My symptoms got better over time and I used Xanax to get me through the initial start up. That may not be right for you, be sure to consult your doctor. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
MIKE, Today was day 3 of Effexor XR. I've had one big panic attack each day since I started. Which usually lasts for 1-2 hours Yuck! I hope this settles down soon, I don't know how much longer I can go like this.My Pysc. suggested I up my Xanax to .5 3x's a day (I'm at.25) Until I get outta this mess. I didn't really have panic attacks before I started this med, and if I did it was for like 5 min. I had more like a general anxiety feeling all day. It scares me so much to be on a med. I just want this to start getting in my body, so the side effects will minumize. Any advice?
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yesterday was about as good as it gets. No negative thoughts the entire day and the evening was relaxing and comfortable. Now all I need is a lifetime subscription to that! :) Today has begun the same way and I am elated. My wellness recipe as of yesterday... Wake up and do 20 minutes of meditation with my headphones. Get out of bed, have some toast (anyone ever try that Thomas' Toasting Bread? man that's good!), maybe a cereal bar or some fruit and a big glass of Orange Juice. I take a Centrum multi-vitamin, a 150mg capsule of Effexor and .5mg of Xanax. Mid morning I get one of those large hot pretzels with no salt on it and a diet Pepsi. At lunchtime I usually have a decent meal (what would be a dinner for most folks) out at a restaurant, usually eating little more than 1/2 portion. Right after the meal I take another .5 of Xanax. At dinner time (6:00) I have a bowl of cereal or some more toast or perhaps a power bar. Just before bed (about 9:00) I take 1mg of Xanax to make me sleep through the night. As I feel myself starting to feel a little tired, I turn the TV off and put on the evening meditation or one of the nature sounds CD's I have in my nightstand. This seems to be working well. I will gradually taper off the Xanax by first eliminating the afternoon dose and then the morning later on. Then I may be able to reduce the evening dose by half and still get the sleep. Heres a toast to an anxiety free day today for all of us! Mike
for 21 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Woo hoo! See it doesn't have to be bad, lol. I was once told the story of someone who had a slow-growing tumor removed from the top of her hip. The tumor had caused the woman to walk crookedly for a long time. Upon removal she found she still automatically went to walk in her distorted way, feeling something was missing. However, like you, she realized that what she was now missing was actually making her feel just fine now. Celebrate and reward yourself!
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missdjrane, I had a pretty bad reaction (anxiety attack) after the first week of being on the Effexor. I just stuck it out and it got much better. No guarantee that it will do the same for you but that was my experience. If you were having anxiety attacks prior to taking the Effexor it seems premature to attribute this one to the Effexor after only one dose. Cantact your doctor for advice. Best of luck. As for me....a funny story. Ever since I have begun this work on myself my goal has been to wake up in the morning raring to go and feeling great. Well, today was that day! I woke to the alarm and noticed a difference immediately. I had gone all day yesterday without the negative thoughts, I had caught a little nap, I re-arranged the bedroom while the wife was out shopping...SURPRISE! :) Anyway, it was a good day yesterday. But this morning I woke and felt like I was not at all sick! No anxious feelings, no nervousness, no shaking...just feeling great. I sprung out of bed and started my day. Whats so funny about that you may ask? Well, after about 5 minutes of feeling great I had an inner question. "Why was I feeling so good?" Hahaha, It seems that I had become so used to feeling poorly in the morning that when I finally got my wish to feel great, I thought something must be wrong! I wonder if re-arranging the bedroom had some feng-shui kind of thing going on. Thats not possible is it? Naw.....well, I dunno, maybe. Anyway, I feel better today than I have since I started this thread. Hooray for me! Thanks for reading. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
MIKE, I took the Effexor Xr 37.5mg at 10:00am Sun. morning.. I had a little nausea, skin felt like it was crawling, went from tired to fidgety all day. Then around 9:00pm, I had a horrible panic attack (this is why I can't stick to antidepressants) I popped a Xanax as soon as I felt it worsening. It lasted for like 40mins. mostly shaking and crying, I think maybe it was my mind scaring me about the medicine! I hope I can sleep tonight. I'm scared to take it again tomorrow, I don't want to have these bad start up attacks. Do I hang in there and stick with it. How long can you get those attacks for? UGH! And yes I got the doctor on tv joke :)
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can only relate my experience, I am not a doctor and I dont play one on TV. :) (you may be too young to understand that joke) I didnt notice any side effects of the Effexor for several days and then it was just the nausea and some jitters. They went away and then returned each time I adjusted the dosage. Once I reached the recommended dosage the side effects subsided and now I only get an occasional hot flash (sweating) or a chill. You will need to keep in close contact with your doctor and report all symptoms to him/her. As for the love....after 47 years I have learned that love will find a way if it is meant to be. There are telephones, e-mail and snail mail to keep in touch with your boyfriend. Once you take care of yourself, then you can concentrate on making that situation better. My therapist once told me something that I will pass along..."when you are in the midst of an anxiety episode it is probably not the best time to make any life changing decisions". That is good advice. Best wishes to you on a speedy recovery. Mike

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