I am on my 4th day of Effexor XR.. 37.5 mg I have been "diagnosed" as having anxiety and panic disorder. I've had it on and off for 11years. I have taken Xanax as needed through this time. I see a CBT, a psycologist and a psychiatrist. My psychiatrist has been pushing me to get on an antidepressant, everytime I try one I get severe panic attacks, so I stop taking it. I have held out on this Effexor.... even though I'm scared to death of taking it. I live alone and that scares me, what if something happens to me? I'll die alone with my cat :). I saw my Cognitive Behavior Therapist today. He told me that this med is making me worse and I should stop taking it, and that I can get over this without meds. Which is what I've been saying for years and I have yet to do it. That's why I started taking Effexor. I felt that I could NO longer do it alone. I know all the "tricks" to calming the mind and what to do when I have an attack, but that doesn't stop me from having them and *major* anticipatory anxiety. I don't know who to listen to? Seems like MD's want to give you meds. and therapists want to talk to you. The talking helps me lots, but it doesn't get rid of the anxiety once I'm home alone. I am SO confused.. Today was my 4th day on Effexor XR, which is the longest I have been on a med. So far everyday that I've been on it I have had a panic attack that lasts at least an hour or so, that scares the $!^# out of me... Is it making me worse? Do I stop taking it? What do I do?