If the company you work for is large enough and provides FMLA, Panic Disorder is covered and will give you 12 weeks of total leave time per calendar year.
I think the best option is to get used to not running away. If u keep running away you will only make it more worse. You need to stay where you are and see it through. The more you practice this the easier it will be. Yes it will be extremely hard at the start but the more you get in the habbit of staying and not running the easier it will become.
You aren't dealing with the problem by distracting yourself. The fear will keep coming back until you actually face it - distracting will just postpone the fear thought. So just sit there and "let go". Remember nothing that u r worrying about will EVER happen. Practice makes perfect.
Good question, Monkap! That's what I have been trying to figure out for myself. I don't work outside the house (I do translations at home) but whenever I do my exposure, I am boun to have this urge to run away. I also try to distract myself if my anxiety is too high -mostly by talking to ppl or doing crosswords. I know distractions aren't good so when I am up to it I just try and concentrate on what is going inside and listen to my worried thoughts. This is VERY VERY hard but sometimes when I really listen to those thoughts and let them be, they start to fade away - really. But it happens slowly and can be tough when you're at work.
Have you tried changing your position? Taking a walk?
I'm interested what you have to say, guys, as this is tmy core problem. IWona.
What do you do when you are in a situation where you can't leave? I often have panic attacks at work. I had one today. Obviously I can't say that I am not feeling well and I have to go home. I have done that way too much and don't want to get fired. So what do you do when you feel like escaping? I have tried deep breathing, distracting myself, making phone calls. I guess it worked a little, because I am still at work but I feel terrible. Any tips? What works for you?