Also, I have mild iron deficiency anemia. I'm taking iron pills and eating meat, so there's nothing more I can really do about it, but it makes me tired. I'm not sure how much to let myself rest and how much is just avoidance.
Hi everyone, My question about exposure planning is, how do you know when you're doing too much? All the books and things I've read about anxiety basically boil down to 'accept your anxiety symptoms'. So now I try to do that and essentially it works - I mean my exposure therapy is working quite well and I can drive a bit by myself, go on crowded buses okay etc. But today I felt exhausted and still thought 'I should ignore this, it's just my anxiety talking' and went out on a long trip and had strings of skipped heartbeats (very unusual for me) and felt terrible. I mean I was actually too tired to go on a long trip but I made myself because I thought otherwise it was avoidance. I just don't understand how to differentiate between avoidance and genuine tiredness.