Hey Everyone,
For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of taking any form of medication, including asprin, vitimins, you name it. Recently a friend of mine was talking to me about how well the medication she was on was working to eliminate her panic attacks. She suggested to me that I get a perscription of some sort of medication that would help me since it was working so well for her. To be honest I didn't even considder the thought for a moment. The answer was no.
In the meantime, after a super stressful week I have begun an even more rigorus diet, and anti-panic plan (as I call it). I have almost completely eliminated all simple sugars, caffine, and other stimuli (which, belive me, is nearly death to a teenager). I have also increased the amount of excercise I get per day.
Is there anyone here who has gone though an improvement or success without taking medication? Or am I doing this all in vain? Knowing me, I will probably never submit to taking medication, so I would like to know now if this diet and plan are just something to distract my mind temporarily.