I just saw my Family doctor today.. I like to go there every couple of months to get blood work done to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with me... (it makes me feel better) He has been my doc. for 10 years and he is the one who sent me to see a psychiatrist when I explained the panic attacks I was having years ago when they first started. He knew what it was. So basically he knows me and how anxious I am. We discussed that I've been going through some bad anxiety, I asked about my thyroid, cause a lot of people say it needs to be one of the first things you rule out with anxiety, he ran through the symptoms of hyperthyroidism..
Palpitations, heat intolerance, nervousness, insomnia, breathlessness, increased bowel movements, light or absent menstrual periods, fatigue, fast heart rate, weight loss, muscle weakness, trembling hands....
It scared the **** out of me.. I have ALL of these symptoms! On Wednesday I am having blood tests done..
I had my blood tested about a year ago and didn't have it then, can you just develop it over a couple months? Can you tell from a blood test how bad it is? What is the treatment for it? What kind of medications do you have to take? And could this be the cause of my anxiety? I'm freaking out, if anyone has any experience with this let me know!!! PLEASE