I have read many posts about people with agrophoiba and problems swallowing..but mine seem to be a bit different. this may be long so im sorry.
I am 22 and had extreme panic when I was 14.It all started when I overdosed on pot...I accualy ate a large amount of laced pot...I had no idea it was laced. I had no hallucinations, and I felt high for almost 3 days. and I suffered from panic for about 2 years, and I was on zoloft and atvian (only took it like 3 times). well once I turned 16 I seemed fine..I could not travel out of state like I once could (used to go to florida 2x a year), but I was ok, I drove around and just explored. Nothing was more relaxing to me than just driving on the highway exploring new lands.
Well after 9/11 I just lost it again, panic did not come back, but I lost the ability to drive on the high way, and my "boundires" went from an hour from my home, to just about 10min. And it slowly got worse. It got to the point where I needed my Girlfriend with me just to go out. I got over that in about 2 months, and I was feeling great. I could not travel far (mabey 10min again) but I atleast had part of my life back. Well my Girlfriend moved out 7 months ago (very long story of her promising to move back, and us having kids and me getting my hopes up just to have them crash). About 2-3 months ago I sat in my appartment for a week, and when I tryed to go out and just hang out...It was almost impossible! For about a week I was able to go shopping and such for mabey 10-15 min tops.
Well the problem is all in here. Before when I got panicy traveling I would think "its ok, i can turn around whenever I need to" and it went away. I feel I have mastered self talk in overcoming panic, because panic does not plague me anymore. but my problem is now this, when I drive away from my appartment, I feel fine, but my mind starts to race and I have problems swallowing..
now its not a real problem, I have never choked, but I hesitate RIGHT before I swallow and it makes me jerk my body. It has gotten to the point I do this all the time...even swalloing my saliva. I will twitch my arm ot leg when I go to swallow just to devert my mind onto something else. even in my own appartment now!
I have been under great stress, because I wanted nothing m