Hi Specky,
Welcome to the site.
Take a minute to take a few deep breaths....you sound overwhelmed.
You mention the odd "one or two" fags here and there. Was this while you were using the patches? Or only after you came off them? If it was while you were wearing, that could have been quite dangerous.
If it was after you found out you were allergic.....well, perhaps you could try the nicotine gum? or the inhalor? If your real set on using NRT.
Remember though, that NRT is not a magic pill. It won't make all the syptoms go away ....it's only an aid :) Somtimes you have to go through a little pain to get to the other side.
Trust me....you can do this. It is possible. Hundreds of people on this site can testify to that! But you have to want it with all your heart. You have to dig deep and find that little "extra" if times get tough.
Read through the site. There are many tips and lots of helpful information that can help you. Let us guide you through. There will always be someone here that you can relate to ......someone who is experiencing the same as you, or at the same point in their quit as you.
Stay close and hang tough :)
Two years, six months, one week, six days, 18 hours, 1 minute and 22 seconds. 18515 cigarettes not smoked, saving �4,165.69. Life saved: 9 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours, 55 minutes.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 841
Hours: 13
Minutes: 10
Seconds: 36
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked